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Our Staff

Laura Lee Gaddess
(Executive Director)

Laura Lee joined the Care'N'Share as the Executive Director in 2021, but her work with Care'N'Share didn't start there! Laura Lee had held the position of Parent Program Facilitator for many years before stepping away for a brief period to explore another career path. She returned to Care'N'Share with a fresh outlook and plans to adapt the organization alongside the ever-changing challenges and obstacles.


In her free time Laura Lee enjoys spending time with her family, doing miscellaneous crafts, refinishing projects and reading.


Nancy Drost
(Administrative Assistant)

Nancy has been a valued employee with Care'N'Share since 1994 when she was assigned the role of Administrative Assistant. Nancy does a great deal of her work behind the scene to keeps things running smoothly and jumps in to help wherever she is needed. Prior to accepting this position Nancy was an active parent attending programs Care'N'Share offered with her own children. 


In her free time Nancy enjoys going camping, spending time with family and going on special outings with her grandchildren.

Vicki Pollock
(Program Facilitator)

Vicki began her involvement with Care'N'Share as a parent, bringing her children to the center to attend playgroups. She later joined the staff in 1997, taking on the position of Playgroup Coordinator. Vicki develops and runs a variety of different programs we offer such as; playgroups, Backpack Adventures, Active Kids and School Readiness. She is an easygoing and optimistic person with a wealth of knowledge in child development making her a great fit for the role!


When Vicki is not working she enjoys playing with her grandchildren (especially outdoors), preparing meals and enjoyng company around the table, as well as finding new and challenging patterns to knit.

Jenn Morton
(Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program Coordinator)

Jenn started her journey with Care'N'Share as a parent attending playgroups with her children up until 2020 when she accepted the position of CPNP Coordinator. Jenn organizes and leads many of the programs we offer including; Prenatal Classes, New Adventures, Nobody's Perfect and Moms Night's. Jenn is also a CPST, offering car seat assistance upon request. 


In her free time, Jenn enjoys spending time camping with her family, going for walks in nature and cuddling up with a blanket and snacks to binge-watch the next popular Netflix series. 

Elise Coburn
(Parent & Child Program Coordinator)

Elise began her engagement with Care’N’Share when she would attend playgroups and other programs as a parent with her 3 children, eventually becoming a board member and more recently, in 2024 she became a valued staff member. Elise is a helping hand in many ways, some of which include, facilitating Playgroups and Craft Corner.


In her free time, Elise enjoys traveling with her children, farming and doing DIY projects. Keep an eye out for Elise at your local playgroup and say hi!

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